Saturday, December 10, 2016


My husband and I grew okra in our garden every year.
We joked with each other and made a bet. Who could
prevent the most okra from getting too big? Our
okra  plant was a slow grower in the beginning. As soon
the plant got tall and grew flowers, we couldn't contain it!
We swore the plant grew over night. Some of the okra
could be 2 inches at 5 pm and become 5 inches long by
8 am the next morning!

I was discarding the long okra because they didn't
taste good when I cooked them. Then one year,
I received some painted okra ornaments! They
were decorated to look like Santa.  I was horrified
when I recalled how many long okra went in my trash.
I thought what a terrific idea! This year I was smart.
I saved my long dried okra pods in a plastic baggie.

I've been a crafter for years. I looked forward to
making ornaments out of my dried okra pods this
year. I looked at okra ornaments on the web for

I rummaged through my left over items from 
other crafts. I found a bag of assorted gems,
loose ribbons, and bottles of acrylic paints.

I painted my okra pods white and beige. The
faces were painted olive brown. I added mini
gems to the front. I made loops out of ribbon so
the okra angels could be hung from my Christmas

 Here is a image  of my okra angel ornaments: